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New Orba Players Welcome!

Hi there and welcome to the new Orba forum!

Please introduce yourself, and let us know what you think. We’re eager to hear your thoughts. 

If you come upon an issue, the fastest way to find a solution is by contacting Though we do our best to always respond, your post in this forum could get lost in the more high-volume threads.

You can also feel free to start a new forum thread if you have an interesting discussion point. It could be about anything – the sounds, the industrial design, the app as it continues to be developed, or anything else!


Rock and roll,

Adam from Artiphon

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 Just got mine delivered (in Australia)! Very exciting, and a little frustrating at the same time.

I'm not a muso or current loop maker so no idea what I'm doing.

Some things I've noticed:

  • the sound cuts out halfway through the intro videos in the app (phone and desktop)
  • playback issue with the intro videos in the phone app - I couldn't stop and rewind sections.
  • I'm unsure how to delete (or turn off) a loop without turning the whole device off. The Rec + A (5 sec) doesn't work for me.
  • Would be great to have some follow along videos to create a few different loops for us beginners (e.g basic drum and bass, etc)

Hey Kevin,

Great suggestion. The development team is taking this into consideration for a future update

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Just got mine yesterday- I was one of the last preorders. Supply chain stuff for startups is a bitch (but you're getting better!). The only thing worse is building support activities.

Wish for: - a mute for each track in the sequencer, or a volume control. Perhaps use the A+Mode+Volume buttons for track volume?

Am I correct that now you can't do that unless you delete the track and re-record on the fly?

Congrats on this so far! KW

I received my Orba this week in Bangkok.  My daughter and I are having a blast playing with it!

 Hi Adam,

Just got my Orba, having a blast already.

Are there any plans to allow for pausing individual loops? Maybe a slide from the play/pause button to the desired track?

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The changes you can make to the 4 tracks are only using a handful of pre-made sounds in the app.

It would be really nice if we could supply our own note samples, including letting us map individual sounds (e.g. wav files) to each key. This would also allow us to make/use our own scales (Dorian, Lydian, etc) and microtonal scales too.

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And to save searching, here are direct links to the online manual and the PDF version. 

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@ Rainer Neugebauer, yeah check the official manual, but basically you need to use the app (the one you used to update the firmware). Here you can change our instrument presents, change the key your song is in and allegedly save songs you’ve made (I haven’t don’t this through app yet, just been recording elsewhere).

@ Rainer Neugebauer,  You can download the Instruction manual from the website, or you can do a search here for the PDF and you should find the pdf here as well

I just got my Orba, updated the firmware (if only that was possible using iOS!), and everything seems to work as advertised.

I was also wondering about sample songs, and would like to know

* Can songs be shared? Is there a place to download sample songs? 

I found the tones assigned to the 8 keys intriguing, but have no clue which tones were selected, and why. (Hint: I am not a musician, at least not in the modern meaning of the word). I read that the tones can be changed, but I am missing detailed instructions on how to reprogram the presents, and how to get the originals back. 

* Where do I find detailed instructions on changing the tone settings of my Orba, can there be a library of such settings, and is the original set-up part of that library? 

Yes, i you look around in other threads, you'll see Artiphon not only read and respond but have said quite a bit about specific upcoming features. I'm sure won't want to offer any hostages in the form of estimated timelines – they've been burned quite badly enough on that front – but they've made it clear that they have big plans for upcoming features, and that a lot of the most-requested features are already in the roadmap. The Instrument 1 dropped its amazing CC1 tilt feature months after release without any warning, but it had obviously been in the works all along, while the Smart Strum came directly out of a user suggestion on this (well, the previous) forum. It's only going to be more so with the Orba. (And I completely agree on sample songs!)

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Here's an obvious suggestion: Would be nice if the Orba app had some sample songs, or at least pre-made drum tracks as a song starter since putting down drum tracks seems to be harder on the Orba than it should be.  e.g. a basic rock groove in 4/4 time maybe with a walking bass part. A "motorik" drum beat perhaps with some chords in the spirit of Kraftwerk or Neu!... a jazz or blues shuffle beat with bass. Anything that makes it easy for people to then lay on some lead instruments or chords or delete the bass track and add our own. 

Also, would be nice to know from Ariphon if there is some ETA of when improvements or new functionality is expected to be added. It doesn't have to be a hard commitment, but it would be nice to know if ya'll plan on making it better, or you think it's good enough.

Perhaps I've missed it, but does anyone from Artiphon read these postings?

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Just got the little funball. So far it is quite a fun to play with. Ways for adding expression are cute. 

Now the BUTs:

-Windows app is very confused about what is "saving", "uploading", "downloading", "overwriting". So far I only managed to save one song from the orba to PC, and once to somehow to put it on the orba again (but no idea how I did it, and it did not restore the presets I used when recording). Most of the time I succeed in deleting the current loop into nirvana or fucking up the song saved on PC. 

-The statement "starts recording when you hit the first note" is not correct. It starts recording somewhere in the bars. Recording starts, when the metronome starts. If you are too excited to count: good luck finding the beginning of the loop. Only when a loop is recorded you get leds showing where in the bars you are.

-Speaking of bars: where do I set up how many bars I want to record. And is there a way to record more than 8 bars?

-Is there a way to record any other division than 4/4 (actually 8/4)?

-"You can set the pads to any note and key you like"? How? How to set a chromatic scale on 8 pads? As Samantha above asked: 7ths? 9ths? Can we edit the single note for any single pad?

-And then the Chords...

I know, I'm asking a lot here, and some things will not be achievable on the Orba. But a few ergonomic improvements should be possible, to make it a more rounded (pun intended) experience.

Thanks for reading in.

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Hello! Happy to be here! Any way that we’ll be able to program our own peculiar chords into the orba? I’m missing having my major sevenths and 9th chords

The stand alone sound patches could be a bit more varied, but having said that, I've been tapping out ideas during downtime in work, then using it as a midi controller with Reason software when i get home.
 I love it

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