Ah I almost forgot. I want all of these in a central area so that I can pull from them at any given time to instantly have them ready on whichever machine I need. Example, make a sample on my boss looper, store it on pc then have it ready for my DJ controller in order to scratch said sample OR to be able to send it to my ARQ which has a modulator OR send it to my Orbas to modulate it a little quicker there. I can do some small modulations from the boss looper but I'd love to do more than that by having it available for my orba to quickly modulate it a little better than the looper or scratch on the dj controller.
Can you use the Orba Synh with the sampled sounds from Orba 2?
Yes, free is always good… Presumably you're already using Surge? If I was a new Orba user on a non-zero budget ROLI Studio would be top of my list next time it's on sale; the quality and quantity of sounds is just nuts, plus you get a discounted upgrade to Equator 2 (the crème de la crème of MPE synths).
Or, it looks like a file could be attached here also. That might be better. :)
Looks like the link has now been fixed; just click on the OrbaSynth tab. You can't download it directly from the page; you enter your e-mail and then they send you a download link.
Maybe the broken version is still cached? Try refreshing the page; here's what it looks like for me (in Safari).
Ah, sorry, Rusty – I'd completely forgotten you were blind, so the screenshot was no help at all! (Not that Freshdesk seems to allow alts for images anyway.) In case it's of any use, I find that searching the page for "orbasynth" produces five hits of which the first is the text on the tab; it's the fourth tab along, between "Instrument 1" and "OrbaCam", though if the screen is narrower then only four tabs display instead of six, which might be what's throwing your screen reader out.
I've gone into the page source and have tried in this link (which I've set to open in a new tab) to extract the page element with just the box for you to enter your e-mail and the download button below it that becomes active when you've filled in the e-mail. Don't know whether it'll work, but try it and see.
I don't think we users should be posting or sharing the installer as a file if Artiphon are asking for e-mail before they grant access - understandably, as a free MPE synth is a pretty significant asset and they won't want bots making off with it to pirate. But with luck one of the Artiphon team will be able to help if the above doesn't work.
Finally, are you THE Nick Lowe? :)
Old Punch cartoon of man at party: "As far as I'm concerned, I am the Frank Sinatra." – But no, I wish. He turned up unannounced on stage at a Robyn Hitchcock gig a few years ago where I was right at the front, and the universe was instantly annihilated in a storm of antiparticles. There's a lot of us about; I'm always getting spam from academia.edu with subjects like "Are you the Nick Lowe who wrote An Oskar-Dependent Positive Feedback Loop Maintains the Polarity of the Drosophila Oocyte"? (I am not.)
So glad it worked! I don't really know how screen readers interact with page code, so it was a bit of a wild stab. But OrbaSynth is fantastic; there's a PDF manual here which you've probably found, though as usual with synth manuals it's full of UI images that will be no help at all.
Thanks so much for your patience and feedback provided on Orba. Today, we have some exciting news regarding something a lot of you have been asking for. If it seems like we’ve been quiet here recently, it’s because we’ve been working behind the scenes on a couple of bigger things. One of these things is Orbasynth, our new gesture-mappable synth that allows for extensive customization of Orba sounds.
Here are a couple of key features
Morphing oscillators that mix saw, triangle, and novel harmonic-rich waveforms, with variable-width pulse waveforms that change dynamically with dedicated envelopes.
Three ADSR dynamic envelopes allow the synth tones to be sculpted by the player’s continuous playing on Orba’s capacitive-sensitive playing surface and respond to note-on and note-off velocities. Two different envelopes can control the two oscillators, noise, and the ring modulator while the third one controls a resonant filter.
A waveguide allows for physical modeling, creating unique instruments that have an acoustic-like familiarity. Orbasynth has two modes that emulate string and pipe harmonic structures.
Reverb and Delay effects provide sounds that range from subtle ambient air to dense sonic textures.
Map Orba’s different playing gestures to synth destinations like filter cutoff and resonance, oscillator level, vibrato, harmonic, saw/triangle mix, harmonic mix. noise level, and LFO rate.
Here's the link where you can download it (available on both Mac and Windows): https://artiphon.com/pages/downloads
Here's the first tutorial video for Orbasynth (more to come!): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7lvXA3oz1to
Here's the user manual for Orbasynth: https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0229/7157/files/Orbasynth-manual-v1.1.pdf?v=1649731694
Give it a try and let us know what you think!
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