@Subskybox I only received my Orba 2 yesterday. I tried a variety of presets and found precious few that I felt were useful. The rest seemed mostly gimmicky or so sugar coated with effects that they became useless. And a few were unpleasant - as if they were designed to make people feel queasy! I expected something like this but it was worse than I had hoped for. I found myself wondering whether anyone at Artiphon had listened to them before pushing them out!
I would go along with what you say - but my thing for the moment would be preset sounds that will work for me but I expect to have to make them myself and I'm a bit wary of samples (storage space concerns) for the moment.
But I strongly feel that Artiphon would do well to help and encourage customers to create and share the things they can - Artiphon can benefit and learn from them.
(Never been a fan of the clarinet, but yours sounds very good, by the way!)
I would rather do it the official Artiphon way as well.. Artiphon's priorities are much different than mine. They seem to be focused on creating new Presets. I'd rather have scales, chord editing, stem/drum/preset making via Artiphon apps, but that could take a year or more so we starting building ourselves.
It would be great to create and share presets but I'd rather be doing it with an updated Orbasynth. Until then I suppose I'll have to try and do some stuff with the knowledge you great guys have found and shared.
Great job ,and video is very cute)
Sharing my new Clarinet Preset. Merry Christmas!
Please use the naming convention:
Details for creating Custom Presets can be found here.
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