I had to plug mine into my PC with the USB-C cable and then it turned on. I'm having a similar problem where if I turn it off and let it sit for awhile it won't turn on unless I plug it into my PC. I'm not sure what the problem is yet.
After a few emails with tech support, they replaced my unit. New unit seems to be ok so far.
Has a solution to this issue been discovered? My son's unit (received as a Christmas gift) appears to be suffering from this issue as well. Not looking forward to the 30 minute drive to Guitar Center to exchange it.
Sorted now with third unit. Took a while but got there in the end.
I had a related issue. I contacted Artiphon and they very quickly authorized a warranty return and replacement. The replacement Orba2 works perfectly. I was very happy with how quickly and helpfully they responded and solved the problem.
Hey Dhammachari Dhammavijaya, I just responded via email, so let's keep the conversation going there. We're happy to help you out.
Your retailer should be happy to replace it again or initiate a refund. We are also checking in with your retailer, so please keep us in the loop via email at support@artiphon.com.
I’ve had same issue and been sent a replacement. The replacement also has same issue.
This is ridiculous. About to give up on it now and claim refund.
I received my warranty replacement unit and it works as expected. Fairly quick turn around, about 2 weeks from requesting replacement to delivery of new unit.
If you have power / connection problems on new Orba 2 unit, just request replacement.
I ended up having to RMA mine. Anyone else that did this, how long did it take for them to receive, and send out a new one?
Sarah Beebe
I was so excited to unbox the new Orba2 when it arrived yesterday. But it wouldn't power on. Charged overnight, still won't power on.
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