The latest Orba 2 app update includes four new presets from the BPM Create library. All four are excellent. The drum preset uses samples! The other sample based presets wrap the individual samples in a "sampleset" file with an inaccessible internal structure, but the BPM Create samples are exposed in a different directory, so it should be easy to decode the "artipreset" file for the drum preset.
User created presets and samples are in the "Documents >> Artiphon >> Common >> Presets" and "Documents >> Artiphon >> Common >> SamplePools" folders.
The apps built-in stuff is in "C:\Users\Public\Documents\Artiphon\Common\Presets" and "C:\Users\Public\Documents\Artiphon\Common\SamplePools".
The new BPM samples are in "C:\Users\Public\Documents\Artiphon\Common\SamplePools\ArtiphonExt2\HorrorDrums" and they are referenced in the "HorrorDrums_08eafcfdafd7430890e9d961c5054948.artipreset" preset file, so this should make it easy to figure out where to put our custom drum samples and how to reference them in a preset.
@ChrisH, There is no need to code, you just need to be a bit handy editing audio files (e.g. Audacity) and modifying some info in the .artipreset file (this is just xml/text). I will share the process once I fine tune it. The video I shared above didn't come out exactly how I expected so I still have some research to do. Once I figure it out, I may add that functionality to my Orba tool
@subskybox that is incredible and exactly what I was hoping could be done! Thank you for sharing the example video, so cool. I also hope Artiphon takes note of this and implements a structured way to do this that integrates with their apps - particularly the desktop app, though I imagine they'd probably do both if/when they did.
I have a super rudimentary understanding of Python, but would totally be interested in looking at what you did if you're interested in sharing. Or even the code with the most important sections commented out/explained a bit.
I'm experimenting with this by editing the .artipreset file(s) to point to custom samples. I'm still learning how this works but it could be quite sophisticated since it also supports velocity thresholds :) This will definitely be possible as long as Artiphon puts the effort into it.
Chris Hernandez
Hi Artiphon,
Any updates on whether/when there will be added functionality to the Orba 2 app allowing for user-customizable drum presets? I realize there are only 2gb of space available, but would love even just 2-4 customizable preset slots on the desktop app where I could assign all 9 keys. I primarily use my Orba 2 for on-the-go songwriting, and having a drum kit that matches the sound(s) I'm going for would be huge.
I realize that in order for the functionality to fully transfer on iOS, the user would probably need to send the drum sample files with unmodified file names to the associated preset folder on their phone. I've already done this with custom bass presets from OrbaSynth and I don't think it would be a problem for anyone with mid-level technical prowess. I think this feature would exponentially boost the value of the Orba 2 for anyone interested in quick, on-the-go production.
I'm about to write another request/problem I'm having with OrbaSynth, which is otherwise incredibly useful from a production standpoint. Planning on making a youtube review video as well. Thanks for keeping the updates coming, super excited for what's to come!
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