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Change key of multiple orbas?

Hey all,

Does anyone know if it is possible to control multiple orbas at the same time. I recently got 12 orba 2s for the school that I work as a music therapist at. I am hoping to use these in group settings, so I would love it if all of the orba's could be set to the same key and to change the key on the fly. 

I love that the orba app allows me to have several orba's connected at the same time, but I am sort of confused on how to use this feature. The app will show that I have multiple orba's connected, but there doesn't seem to be a way to switch between them and/or make changes to them all at once. Is this possible? If not, is there another app that would make this possible? 

If this is not a feature, you peeps at artiphon should add it :) I love this little orba so much. Lookin forward to any feedback. Thnx! :)

Perhaps you can try creating a song (which can just contain the presets used, key, and tempo - no actual notes) and load that to all the Orbas (whether that can be done to all of them at once, I don't know - never had more than one Orba). Once done they could (and probably would, at least by accident, at some point!) change between drums, chords, bass and drums - but not switch to other settings. Changing the key could be achieved by changing song - which could be one just the same but in a different key. A song with a pre-recorded part could also provide an audio framework for the pupils though I guess that would play on all of them at once  which might not be so good.

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I am having a hard time picturing this exactly lol. But I think that is because I am still exploring and figuring out the orba.

It isn't possible at the moment, but we've had this request from other educators as well.  We'll look into the possibilities of controlling multiple Orba 2s through the app.  Thanks for reaching out about it!

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