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ORBA 2 APP not stable in my PC.

 I have been dealing with this for some time. They say it is my PC.   This is the only app I have problems with.  I have asked Support to try and tell me what is wrong with my PC.  Silence.  I have updated any driver that would.  Many Scans from AVs.

Many months ago it was a minor problem:  "Internal Disconnect" once in a while.  Then more and more often.  The app started timing out or something.

Now - power up PC - run Ccleaner - open ORBA 2 App - _will_ drop out in less than 2 minutes now - UNLESS I do nothing with it.  It will sit untouched all day  Change one Preset & DISCONNECT pull cable push cable back in, repeat ad nauseum.  PC goes Boop Beep for connections.  The cord has been pulled and pushed so much the contacts have worn grooves and if I bump the cable with my knee I get BOOP BEEP BOOP BEEP            Updated all drivers.  Power down at night.


ZOMBIE PRESETS:  I have deleted many of the Presets I made.  They are still present.  Big A for image icon.  "DELETE" not lit no good.

Plus my fingernails have chipped 2 edges of the ceramic surface. Sigh!  LOVE/hate going on here.  HELP!

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Disconnections - some have reported problems (here and elsewhere) with Windows 11 particularly when doing firmware updates, I don't have this problem myself with Windows 11 and I don't think anyone has established what is doing it. Mysterious. Some symptoms you mention sounds to me like a problem I have with a laptop with a damaged USB C socket (my fault). (It's OK with thumb drives, but anything connecting with a lead requires a lot of care not to move anything!)

"WHICH VERSION SONG DO YOU WANT? APP OR UNIT?" - this is usual when a preset has been altered in the app preset file (I do this sometimes to fine tune my own created presets) - choose the app if you want to apply the change, it will replace the version on the device, unless it's readOnly on the device.

ZOMBIE PRESETS: It probably depends on how the presets were made. Presets made with the Preset Creator can be deleted OK, those made with the older Orbasynth app may not (I can't remember - I always saved them as a file and made sure they were not flagged as readOnly before deploying them). Factory presets cannot be deleted - even if you did they would probably be downloaded again later. In some circumstances (where the preset isn't working properly) it may be necessary to restore the preset to a proper working state before it can be deleted - but that's unlikely unless you are trying to hack your presets and get something wrong.

Chipped surface - hit a hard thing with a hard thing and something, or both, is going to give eventually. Probably not good for your fingers either in the long run. Don't mess with your fingernails!




When loading a new sound, the old one is not deleted! Overlapping occurs

Dima Ivanov Fonts so big I cannot read it. In my email I see: When loading a new sound, the old one is not deleted! Overlapping occurs -- NOW I HAVE THE SAME DAMNED FONT. Can't be advice, so I am confused why you put it here. This makes no sense.

  David Benton - chipping surface is the same spot on two units.  

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