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The power doesn't turn on.

I charged orba and confirmed normal operation. I then connected to the iPhone app. Then a firmware update was requested. So I downloaded the update software on Windows and ran it. However, the update failed. And orbs stopped powering on. Help me.

5 people have this problem

Used my Orba for 3 days but in the middle of creating a song it stopped and won't charge or start. Order 9143974

I have the exact same problem.

Many people have experienced the same issue and discussed in the other threads actively. 

Please take a look at

If your Orba seems to have met its doom, try the steps on this Solution Guide.  This should revive your little friend.  If not, open up a support ticket and send us the Log File.  We'll go from there.  Thx

Same here waited over a month get it in mail , works for 3 minutes tells me to update on Mac OS update fails now zero power Really annoyed as this is a present for my 9 year old and he is excited to use it today please help Mac OS users and fix updates please

My Orba worked fine for 7 days and then nothing, no power, doesn’t appear to charge and doesn’t connect to app. An expensive paperweight.

Same problem with my Orba. (Three days old)

After installing & starting the Win-App (Win 10 Pro) the Firmware-Update failed.

The Power-Button does not compute, and charging my Orba failed, too.

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