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Anyone using this successfully as a MIDI controller in windows?

I gave up on the app, since it doesn't save or change keys or do anything other than change presets. I tried installing LMMS and can get it to control a synth but it gives HEAPS of false notes simultaneously. The drum just played kick sounds... anyone have better luck?

Yes, I tried:

- MPC Beats (Akai; free )

- Cakewalk (BandLab; free)

And the Orba seems to work OK (Windows 10, USB-C cable, Orba-volume turned-down) ...


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I had similar problems with my Orba as Midi controller on windows PC. Mostly the sustain was not working. After requesting the support for any help, they said I shouldn't use the "mute" setting in the app but turn the volume down instead. That worked fine for me.

And it only works with the USB-C cable so far... 

I got MPC Beats to connect to the Orba but couldn't get it to respond to it

Choose preferences:

Input Port: Artiphon Orba Midi


Choose Keyboard Template (or whatever)


Choose Track View (Ctrl-2


That works for me ...

Beste mensen,

Kan iemand uitleggen met welke software de Orba onder windows 10 het beste is te gebruiken?

ik heb helaas geen ervaring met "electronische muziek" software maar ik zou dolgraag mijn loopjes gemaakt met de Orba willen opslaan en verder bewerken en meer instrumenten toevoegen.

Zolang het niet mogelijk is om via de orba app iets te bewaren vind ik het  iets minder leuk worden en ik snak ernaar om meer met de orba te spelen. Inmiddels de boven genoemde software geinstalleerd dus die ga ik testen. Informatie over dit is meer dan welkom!

Has anyone got Orba working with Ableton under Windows 10? I have the Orba connected by USB and it just crashes as soon as I start to do anything other than go through preferences and set up a session. The same happens with the session download available from Artiphon.

Working fine for me with Cubase LE 11.0

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