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Orba hacking knowledge base

This thread is intended to gather the feedback of Orba tinkerers.

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"Orbacam is available for iOS from the Apple App Store."

I don't understand why Artiphon spends time on applications like "Orbacam" - iOS only(!) and ignores basic feature requests.

They should go open-source...


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Just had an epiphany.. What if you change the weird dual-note voice to be a semitone up (not sure this is possible.. I think it starts at 2 semitones.. Maybe using Pitch settings at 50% in the App). Once you have that, combine with your whole tone scale. This should give 16 consecutive semitones without even tilting?!

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If Artiphon are unwilling to add the features people want themselves, why not open it up so people here can build what they won't?

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Boy boy. No fun, just pity. It sounds a lot like what Artiphon did with the Orba 1. Put out an unfinished product and then engage the customers with false promises. Before you know it, you can participate in the beta team for free. Good luck!

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>I also had another realization. If I change all the offsets to zeros (i.e. [0,0,0,0]), that will essentially play the same note four times. This could be used to set the scale of a regular sound like Bass or Lead. I tried this by dumping a Chord sound into the Bass Preset folder and it only plays one of the voices from the chords. Once I have the Fiddler updated, it could also work for regular voice scales! AND it would be able to be transposed not like the "percussion" hack that has been shared. I'll hopefully have some updates in the next week or two.


I've only just caught up with this idea. So...yes, this gives us a way to put something like a transposable Dorian scale on the "Lead" button. :-)


Here's an example:

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To be clear: a few presets every now and then are not to be considered a serious update ...

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There's a problem in that the utility presets are based around CC output instead of synth output, because that's what I'm mainly interested in. So I'm not sure how useful this data will be in that respect. Maybe I should start again, referring to the Lead presets instead. :-(

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The new tools and discoveries by @Subskybox have inspired me to go digging around with other random changes to the code to see what else we might find. Eg a set of random changes within the "Uuid" strings has turned up a patch where "Lead" delivers the same set of chords as "Chord", but with the Lead voice, allowing you to switch between them live.

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Just a quick note for other users. @Subskybox has made this super easy to use now.


Basically you just run a program (the "daemon") that handles the background processing, then open a couple of web pages. One lets you adjust the chords, and the other gives a graphical display of the chords the Orba is currently sending out.


(Note that you can also adjust the Orba for higher and lower notes beyond this visible range.)

The Orba can be in major or minor mode as usual. The pads in the left column affect major mode, and the ones on the right affect minor mode.

You can adjust any of the four notes for any of the eight pads up or down by semtones, then choose "Copy to clipboard" followed by "Deploy". At this point you can upload an Orba preset called "Disentangle" which is automatically made available in the Orba app, to program the Orba with the new chords.

If you refresh the Chord Fiddler HTML page, it resets it to the default values.

I'd definitely encourage people to try this out and post if you have any questions.












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I can see that there are many capable hands here, if Artiphon team is willing to give some code or so, guess this can be done in the blink of an eye. Hope the team can hear us (finger cross)

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Winbond 25x40CL (not far from the AKM DAC) is a 4Mb (ie 512KB) serial flash memory.

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If you edit the Orba application in Notepad++ and search for text parameters from the XML like "RetainNotes", you can find alternatives that I haven't seen in the XML, like "RetainIntervals".

 A typical tuning entry looks like this:

  <TuningEntry key="C" name="Major Pentatonic" intervals="P1, M2, M3, P5, M6, P8, M9, M10"

               midiOctave="3" transpositionType="RetainNotes" type="tonal" tuning="60, 62, 64, 67, 69, 72, 74, 76"/>

So far we haven't found any result from changing the "intervals" list, only the "tuning" values. I think that may be because the transpositionType is set to "RetainNotes", but if you change it to the alternative "RetainIntervals" value found in the App code, I reckon that's where the "intervals" string might start changing things.

I reckon it might be something to do with the way the chord sequence change when you change key in the App. I got some different result from it at one point, but couldn't then recreate it.

It might be worth scouring the code for other parameter values like this that we don't know about.

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This UI suggests that quantize was once global but they are converting it to "per-part" which is better.. Drums usually always benefit from being quantized but a lead can sometimes have quick notes or slurs which should not be quantized.

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Oh... You must have a background in marketing!

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CY8C4025AZI-S413 (on the rear of the sensor board) is another ARM processor. This one is a Core-M0 design from Cypress Semiconductor. I think of its function here as the keyboard processor.

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