@Loyd - it was annoyingly odd rather than being a problem - they weren't erased from where they are added, but I found if I copied the images to the Public folders rather than the usual user folder I got them back in the app. So all is well.
But thanks for the thought.
yes I see the images, maybe the update erases the images?
I find it's best to attach the Orba, start the app then switch on and connect the Orba. But it's behaviour seems to be variable - sometimes adding a preset can be done when it's all "live". (Are you seeing the images for these presets in your app? - they disappeared from mine after the most recent update.)
Thank you for taking the time to post instructions.
Thanks David,
I also had to restart the app to see the preset...don't know if that was just my computer.
Love the flute and clarinet.
The method for presets was proposed some time ago. In the zip files there is a folder called "common" which has the same structure as the "common" folder which is, in (in Windows) This PC> Documents > Artiphon folder - can also be accessed as OS(C): Users > YourUsername > Documents > Artiphon. (Don't know what it is on Apple machines but I think it's similar.) These folders should have the same structure and merging will add the files to where they need to be. But you can just add the files by hand if you prefer to - just ensure you put them in the right folders. You should have an Image, and a preset, unless it's a sample based preset in which case there will also be a folder of the required samples as well.
Once you've done that it should be added to the app which will ask you to "send to Orba" when you try and select it.
(it might have been mentioned in the hacking knowledge thread for Orba1 and/or Orba 2)
Hello David,
I have not found the directions of how to use the files in this thread, but will look some more and look at the orba 1 threads.
Appreciate your thanks - do read through this whole thread to understand how to use what we post here (if you haven't already!).
Whilst I've not hit problems with running out of storage space on the Orba 2 yet you may want to bear in mind that sample based presets will take up space more heavily than synth based presets. Song and stem files will also be easy on storage space as long as they don't need sample based presets.
(If you're interested enough there is information in the Orba 1 section of this forum that might also help you even though the Orba 2 and Orba 1 do have significant differences.)
Wow, just got my Orba2 and learning a lot! But want to thank you all for your input and zip files.
And finally a curve ball chord preset.
The aim was to create a chord set that would work well to play "Couldn't Love You More" by John Martyn (the acoustic version). That's very specific - but it can sound nice for accompanying gentle acoustic songs with a limited range of chords.
The minor chords are aimed towards the "broken chords" that John used on minor key songs. These were tricky and perhaps an acquired taste- but can work well with a good bass line.
If you don't know the song this chord pattern for the Orba keys should help you make sense of it:
8-7-4-------3---- (three times)
6-5-4-------3--1--(two times)
You can throw in the chord on 5 if you want before the 3's. It's not like John played anything twice the same much.
The chords on 2 and 5 are they obvious choices because they might as well be there.
And now - a lead and chord present bundled together. Synth based, the lead sound, Bladetrotter, made me think of the soundtrack of a certain movie (you can guess) when it appeared in my Orbasynth ramblings. I thought I'd do some chords too while I was at it.
Two sample based presets for you folks.
First, Madaharp, made with samples of a crude box harp similar to the Madagasian instruments. Sadly, it lost some of it's character in translation but it does play well.
Second, Delawney, a sampled harpsichord sound - compromised because the mechanical noises that characterise a true harpsichord sound had to be cut because they also didn't translate well. (I tried to make a chord preset with these samples but my Orba didn't like playing them.)
Since the latest updates the Orba app doesn't show the images for custom presets. I'd be interested to know if they do for you (or is it just me), and also, if not, any fixes?
There really needs to be an app that simply lets us load the sound we want without them being altered by now. The drum section of the unit can have completely different sounds now but I still don't have the ability to easily load something like this myself. We should be able to load any sound we want and play it in an easy and simple way. Exactly why hasn't this been a thing yet? Are they waiting to release the orba 3 for that? Hacking these things although fun for a while, is not the way I want to have to do things.
A package of two presets here using an Akai wind controller to make the samples.
First there's LazyAltoFlute. A Lead preset that is technically more a Bass flute (I think a concert flute range would get a bit too shrill in the top octave.) It's very breathy - just turned out that way.
The other is a Chord preset LazyFluteChords which I made just to make use of the existing samples. Just the Orba preset chords but with a flattened 7th chord on key 7 in the major - as is my wont.
Thanks to Ignis32 and Subskybox for their useful advice.
I came to the same conclusion about MPE X and Y a while ago - it was one of the few things I got right in an earlier post in the knowledge thread. I added then that MPE Z corresponds to tilt. The outMin, inMax etc. I didn't get right at all, it seems!
I was going to try pitch bend on the MPE Z today - I'll report on how that works later.

This forum is intended to share Orba 2 Custom Presets amongst the Orba 2 community. NOTE: Please upload Presets as a .zip file beginning with the folder Common as described in the first post of this forum.4 people like this idea