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Tabla drum kit or djembe

Hi it would be great if a tabla kit or djembe kit could be added as a drum kit please?

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I'll post it this weekend. I'm not convinced the velocity thresholds are functioning properly as a Drum Preset. I'm going to re-create it as a Lead to see if it works better.

In PocketMIDI  app you can set velocity manually when sending them by USB to the Orba2 from the virtual keyboard. 

Used that for testing velocity thresholds, as it is much more reproduceable than trying to beat out the specific velocity by hand. PocketMIDI exists for Mac as well.

Also in your case you also could write a python script for that to run automated testing :)

P.S. Btw, seems to me that  Orba2 gives much higher velocity response when being  held in hands, than when it stands on the table. Probably that's due to velocity being calculated from accelerometer.

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