Hi, I'm Lukas and I'm really looking forward to holding Orba in my hands. It's been a pleasure and a fantastic journey following the project through Kickstarter, reading all these great updates, watching video teasers and getting a first impression on what Orba can do.
Playing the drums, the piano and a wee bit of guitar I can't wait to add a whole new level of making music with that wonderful instrument that's coming our way.
Keep up the good work and thanks for all your effort at Artiphon!
BTW, the question: how many steps Orba's looper is? I.e. how long is the longest loop? Tnx!
Thanks! Looking fwd to start playing on it :)
Hi all, thanks for the thoughtful messages! We're equally excited to get Orba in your hands. For those looking for information on shipping and fulfillment, we've begun shipping, and you'll be receiving tracking information soon. For more specifics around tracking your individual order, give a shout at support@artiphon.com, as backers and reservers will be receiving units on different timelines.
Hi! Still Waiting on mine to arrive.
I already ordered two units on July 23rd using PayPal. I gave not received any order confirmation from artiphon. Will I?
Hi Tony!
Great timing — we just opened orders to the general public today (US only). You can shop Orba at artiphon.com/shop-orba.
Thanks for the question and please let me know if you have any others!
Hi. when will the orba be available to the general public please?
Adam McHeffey
Hi there and welcome to the new Orba forum!
Please introduce yourself, and let us know what you think. We’re eager to hear your thoughts.
If you come upon an issue, the fastest way to find a solution is by contacting support@artiphon.com. Though we do our best to always respond, your post in this forum could get lost in the more high-volume threads.
You can also feel free to start a new forum thread if you have an interesting discussion point. It could be about anything – the sounds, the industrial design, the app as it continues to be developed, or anything else!
Rock and roll,
Adam from Artiphon
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