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Orba presets sharing point

This thread is intended to share custom-made presets.

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I just bought the Orba and it is an amazing instrument. However, I can't figure out how to load the custom presets on this page into the Orba app so I can load them into my Orba. What do I need to do?

That Orba Arabia sounds nice, Stuart.

I'm afraid there will be little progress in developing new presets. Artiphon throws a bit of meat into the arena every now and then in the form of a few new presets. But no clear description of the possibilities so that their customers can optimally explore the Orba themselves. It's a bit random fiddling this way.

That's too bad. Maybe I'm a bit naive, but then I think: small effort, big pleasure. When you design such a cool device, you must like it when people want to have fun with it ...


Thanks GJ,

That's interesting to hear, as I had noticed these changes. Thanks for checking. Appreciate it :-)

I am really just using them for creating melodies in Garageband, and then reverting to 'normal' ORBA use for the Drums, Chords, and Bass, either via an audio interface (so that the true Orba sound is recorded) or via USB (so that the Orba acts as a MIDI controller).

It's a steep leaning curve for this classical musician (flute, oboe, piano, dulcimer, etc) :-)

Here is Orba Arabia on SoundCloud 


Hi Stuart,

I tried some of your presets, after placing them in the "Lead" directory. They seem to confuse my Orba: they change the way the drum-preset sounds and as a lead-instrument the volume is very low.

But no permanent damage: loading an old song got my Orba back to where I started.

Maybe it is better with a DAW; I don't use one.

Kind regards,


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Here are some more Presets with arpeggios and scales. As always: I am not a coder :-)

These work only in one key, but you can transpose with your DAW. 

REALLY looking forward to a better coder being able to make different scales work 'properly' and in each key.

The presets:

Arpeggio - minor

Arpeggio - minor with dominant 7th

Arpeggio - minor with added 2nd

Bebop - does what it says on the tin

Iwato - used in some Japanese music

Oriental - a scale used in some Chine music

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Thank you for clearing that up, Stuart :-)

Thanks GJ :-)

They are all Leads, at least that is how I am using them. The scales play as you hit the corresponding 1 to 8 keys on the Orba. The arpeggios work the same way.

I can also have a look at seeing if I can do Bass and Chords. Thanks for dropping that idea in my head!

Thank you, Stuart. These are chords and the other are leads, am I correct?

And here are three (dirty) Presets for major chord arpeggios:

  • Major
  • Major dominant 7th
  • Major added 2nd

I'll take a look at minor arpeggios tomorrow. Remember: I'm not a coder :-)


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You're a true champion dude.

If Artiphon would just open this little grapefruit up to us, and let the community fix it for them - they'd have an amazing device.

Until then, mine continues to collect dust because I can't get reliable USB, or Bluetooth midi connection.  :(

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Hi Everyone,

I got my Orba last week and have been enjoying it. Thanks to your work in this forum, I have been fiddling round with presets and have created the ones attached here. A proviso: I am not a coder :-)

As I tinkered around with the presets, I noticed that the Drum ones had interesting notations (A3, m3 for augmented third and minor third, etc.). So... I made a duplicate of a drum preset, edited it to create a new scale, and then dragged it into the folder containing Lead presets (and then re-named it). 

No matter what I do, I cannot create this type of preset if I edit a Lead preset. Also, these presets work only in one key: if you change the key in Orba, they stop working. However, if you are using a DAW, just transpose your work.

As I say, I'm not a coder :-) But if any of you can build on this, that would be great. The Presets are:

  • Blues, with an added M7
  • Chromatic - eight semitones
  • Whole tone
  • Melodic minor - kind of...
  • Harmonic minor
  • Double Harmonic - in the style of some Arabic music

All the best,

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Chiming in here with my two modified sets of presets, All Diatonic Leads and Only 7th Chords.

I simply modified the standard Chord presets to be 7th chords (and the 7th chord preset to also be a normal chord, why not) and all the Lead voices to use diatonic scale. More Options! ^^


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Here's a preset I made that sends all gestures, and should be easily modifiable to send only a subset

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Take a look at my Orba Preset Editor in the Hacking Knowledge Base forum on here. to edit Presets.


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Completely agree, the inability load in my own samples or basic functions just makes the whole device feel like a stepping stone to some sort of subscription service rip-off.

I have so little faith, I've come to start expecting them to roll out a marketplace of 'sound packs' to sell before they even fix song mode.

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