The first download has not been completed. Is it due to fire wall?
This method fails in the following situations:
9 Sep 2020 3:19:51pm - Downloading Update Info
9 Sep 2020 3:19:51pm - Downloading Updater Utilities
9 Sep 2020 3:19:51pm - Downloading Updater Util - Capsense Bootloader
9 Sep 2020 3:19:51pm - Unable to find extracted utility - Capsense Bootloader
9 Sep 2020 3:19:51pm - Upload Failed
9 Sep 2020 3:19:51pm - Downloading Updater Util - ESP32
9 Sep 2020 3:19:52pm - Unable to find extracted utility - ESP32
9 Sep 2020 3:19:52pm - Upload Failed
9 Sep 2020 3:19:52pm - Downloading Updater Util - DFU
9 Sep 2020 3:19:52pm - Unable to find extracted utility - DFU
9 Sep 2020 3:19:52pm - Upload Failed
9 Sep 2020 3:19:52pm - Uploading Firmware
9 Sep 2020 3:19:52pm - Executing: C:\Users\ilove\AppData\Roaming\Artiphon\Orba\UpdateUtilities\dfu-util-win\dfu-util.exe -l
9 Sep 2020 3:19:52pm - Unable to update - Orba not connected
9 Sep 2020 3:19:52pm - Upload Failed
Which desktop version have you used for local update file, 0.14.6 or 0.14.8?
I have just received prerelease version of FW update and tried to revive my Orba but it didn't work.
As far as I have tried, Desktop app 0.14.6 doesn't accept dragging local FW fie on to cloud icon but 0.14.8 does.
I have some brief report of results of my case to support team so that I am waiting for their prompt response so far.
But i am curious about what is the difference between your success case and my fail.
Best Regards, .
I just checked my email and they had sent me a local update file that worked beautifully. My Orba is back up and running. Thanks Jeremy @ Artiphon you've made my day!
In fact, I removed version 0.14.8 from my machine and installed 0.14.6. Same results.
Seems like a common thread in the successful recoveries by Will and Gary above is that if you're on a Mac, do the firmware update before updating the desktop app to the newer version. Think I'll uninstall it and roll back to the older one before my Orba arrives (soon, it's with my local carrier).
Arne, is there something different with the FW updater code in the new version of the desktop app that could be causing the issue?
heya Michael. I understand..I would be frustrated too especially after all the delays in receiving this product....then you finally get it...and you get this. Selfishly, I hope if mine finally comes I wont have to read this thread :) Its been stuck in Cali for days now, so I found a new Roli Lightpad Block on the real cheap to keep me nicely musically occupied in the mean time. g luck.
Hi @Edo, welcome to the thread. You'll definitely want to read the other four pages. We've covered most of that already. Many modern computers don't even have a USB 2.0 port anymore, but I already tried that too. Pretty much, if it's been mentioned in this thread, all five pages of it, we've all tried it to the extent that we're capable.
I find it very frustrating the instructions and web site strongly urged everyone to do a firmware update ASAP, which is pretty much what got most of us into this predicament, and I'm sure will lead many more people down the path of having a very strong distrust of firmware updates in the future. As an embedded software engineer I can tell you that's the last attitude any of us want to engender in the general public.
At this point, we're all just waiting for Artiphon to come back with a procedure that brings our current favorite musical instrument back from DFU mode.
I assume you'all tried getting Orba connected and firmware updated using your different usb ports? a 2.0? 3.0? powered? unpowered? looked for error messages within windows device manager pertaining to usb ports? i know zero about apple stuff. I;ve seen poorly designed firmware updaters fail in some ports, but not in others, and in some machines but not in others. I have an audio interface that is like that.
@Michael, I'm in the same situation. I don't have access to a Macintosh and I've tried every combination of plugging, re-plugging, resetting, charging, and manipulating Windows' firewall and anti-virus that has been mentioned here and a few that I thought of on my own. Nothing has worked. Like you I've fallen back to the position of "sit and wait and hope that the Artiphon guys come up with a solution in the near future."
That's good news Gary. Hopefully they get the rest of us up and going soon with a process that's less reliant on randomness. Fortunately the Orba is based on hardware that is tolerant of software issues. It's really a relatively solid design. They just need to iron out some software issues (several, it would seem).
Unfortunately I don't have a mac at my disposal here, and both of my Windows PCs, which don't use any antivirus or security software that's not built into Windows, fail in the same way: App fails to download the firmware update, then leaves the hardware in DFU mode.
Hopefully future versions first make sure they actually have the proper software before putting the hardware into programming mode.
I'm out of ideas for my own situation. At this point all I can do is wait for somebody to answer my support request.
And on the 3rd day it arose...
Lord have mercy, it has been a stressful 3 days I tell ya.At one point I was even considering an attempt at opening it up but decided I'd let someone else be the first to do that. I have tried reviving it on 2 different Macs and a Win10 machine as well. Nada. It never even showed up on either of my Macs as being connected. The Win10 machine did..., once. I've uninstalled and reinstalled the app on both Macs and on the Win10 machine, updated, not updated, and still nothing.
Today (and I have no clue what the difference in today and the past 2 are but...,) it showed up again on the Win10 machine. Oh wow! I downloaded the app and nope. not gonna do it. *sigh* Ok, one last try with my iMac. Turn on my iMac and plug up the Orba. Holy shit, it's now showing up when I look at the USB connections. OMG! I then downloaded the Orba app and installed it. I did not update the app but gave the firmware update a try with Shift+click on "firmware update". To my amazement I didn't get the error I had been getting so I just sat and waited. About 5 minutes late the update successful message popped up. It's now back to life, FINALLY! But geez people, I have been so frustrated with this thing I did think about just tossing it in the trash at one point and just accepting I'd thrown money down the drain again. Dunno, it still may be the result I end up with in the long run but for the moment it does seem to be alive again.
The trick it would appear is to connect the Orba first then download and install the app. I'm still not confident this thing isn't going to lock up like that again though. Unnerving to say the least.
Chris Tate
The Orba arrived this morning, I was able to play with it for a bit before downloading the IOS app and being told to update the firmware. I did and after it completed the Orba will no longer turn on.
8 people have this problem