Samsung galaxy S22 with orba 2 app is having problems.
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over 2 years ago
Yesterday i finally received the Orba 2, I like it and the orba 2 itself seems to work nice. But the Orba 2 app is so laggy that its not usable.
The biggest problem is that the app most of the times doesn't respond to your fingers and seems to freeze. When i am lucky i get it connected and use it for a while but then if freeze again.
The phone is a Samsung S22 with the latest firmware and without known issues. All other apps ar working fine.
I have exactly the same problems with the Samsung A13 (Android 12) - terreble.
over 2 years ago
I have the same issues on my Samsung galaxy note 20 ultra. Next to this, it keeps disconnecting when I try to send something to my orba. See my screenshot for the error message.
Yesterday i finally received the Orba 2, I like it and the orba 2 itself seems to work nice. But the Orba 2 app is so laggy that its not usable.
The biggest problem is that the app most of the times doesn't respond to your fingers and seems to freeze. When i am lucky i get it connected and use it for a while but then if freeze again.
The phone is a Samsung S22 with the latest firmware and without known issues. All other apps ar working fine.
Ik have made a screen recording of the app.
I want to know if this is a know issue and when its gonna be fixed.
I am really thinking to return the product!
2 people have this problem